For Children Over 1 Year Old

Supports growth with 100% natural organic Calcium up to 242mg/100ml

Hỗ trợ tăng cường sức đề kháng và nâng cao hệ miễn dịch với Lactoferrin cao gấp 1.5 lần sữa mẹ theo nghiên cứu được thực hiện bởi các tác giả đến từ các Trường Đại Học tại New Zealand là Lincoln University và University of Otago vào năm 2017 và kẽm gấp 2 lần sữa bò

Provides excellent nutritional supplementation and energy with up to 122Kcal/100ml.

High-energy, natural, unique fresh milk that does not induce early puberty in children.

Fatty acids, gangliosides, phospholipids, and selenium contribute to brain development and nervous system functions.

Essential vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus (promotes strong bones) and Vitamin A (boosts the immune system).

For Expectant Mothers

Provides the best nutritional supplementation to support optimal weight gain and absorption for the fetus.

Hàm lượng Canxi tự nhiên 100% cao vượt trội lên đến 242mg/100ml hỗ trợ cho bé một tương lai cao lớn từ trong bụng mẹ mà không lo vôi hóa nhau thai

The extremely low Lactose content minimizes the risk of gestational diabetes.

100% A2 protein ensures superior nutritional supplementation, providing more than twice the nutrients of cow's milk, promoting the health of both mother and baby every day.

For the Elderly

Clinical studies on elderly individuals have scientifically proven that Pāmu deer milk helps...

Promote strong bone structure, preventing bone fractures and osteoporosis.

Boost immune function and enhance the immune system.

Provide ample energy for a flexible and agile musculoskeletal system, keeping the body resilient and energetic every day.

Individuals in need of nutritional supplementation and health reinforcement

Supports individuals with weakened health, recovering from illness, post-operative patients needing quick health recovery, and working adults with high energy needs requiring daily natural energy and nutrition supplementation.